If you do the right thing you won’t be rewarded but you will be enabled
The far left puts the silent and invisible H in tolerate Guess where? There’s a clue
I finally realized that when Smokey Bear says Only you can prevent forest fires Only I really believe him
I know I’m losing an argument with my friends when my thoughts turn to lunch I know I’m winning when I’m about to lose my lunch
Time marches on and for mere mortals it marches to the beat of its own… which is how we got rhythm But the immortals found
An individual is someone who must… With the fact that he could be wro… And there’s no way to know for sur… But the choice must still be made The internet offers certainty
No one is exactly sure why God switched from a pass/fail syst… to having you grade yourself but there have been quite a lot of B-plusses flying ar…
Staring at your phone came to be known as the thousand yard stare
My life used to be An open book Now it’s an open state secret
Forecasting the rain in Spain is mainly done in vain
In a few years we’ll all look back on liberal democracy and fake laugh
The only way to avoid giving the man who has everything more of the same is to give him nothing
Early big bang theor– ists were known for eating quite a lot of popcorn
The free food programs during the pandemic were great So, to compensate people began to ration love
Like Coke for Coca-Cola, Mr. Pibb is short for Mr. Pibb, ABD