Where once an artist was a creator she is now a creative because a noun requires a verb and we’re meant to do nothing which pays well on the internet
When your nuclear family of origin Takes the nuclear option They’ve already gone mad and self-… So, they’re counting on mutual ass… To finish the job
The most radical act has become One that gives you meaning Without getting you attention Not because we don’t need one anot… We all do–
Like many people I have dreams in which I’m flying but in mine I’m always flying
The trick is to craft a conformism so elaborate that you convince yourself it’s bespoke
We think of death As the worst-case scenario But what if In the best-case scenario Death is the answer to a question?
The human brain has 100 trillion synaptic connections which sounds like a lot but it’s only 0.0000000005% of the universe’s 200 billion tril…
More and more it feels as if we are teetering between 1984 and… but 84-33=51 bringing us to 1951 the actual lone year in question
Home isn’t Where you go And they have to take you in No such place exists Home is
People have long complained of working in silos so it’s been amazing to see them embrace putting in all of their emotional…
Narrow minds see The narrow odds of making their es… Cleaving to the straight and narro… They’ve cleaved the path in two And because they can still see no…
In the world to come The United Nations will finally r… If you can’t beat ‘em Join ‘em
The devil is ingenious: Since our minds are inside the min… The devil has designs on us Uploading our minds to the cloud– i.e. To hell–
It was only after The social media firestorm Had burned our civilization down That we rose from the ashes Like a phoenix
It always comes back to Love and work– The whole point of Love of country Is found in doing the work