Never answer a yes or no question. Answer the question that you wish had been asked of you: “Ms. Magill, I’m gonna give you one more opportunity for the world to see your answer. Does...
The internet is king And every social media post the sw… Screening out anyone who sees in t… The red flag of totalitarianism And only letting through
I’ve done the math: In regards to #1 #1a is sadly mistaken
Let there be light blight and hindsight
When I was a baby My mother wiped my bum Social media, then, is the fountai… As I become its obedient child Every time it wipes my memory
Desire is Putting all of your eggs in one ba… Wisdom is Understanding that there is only o…
The conceit of individualism was that you could have a type without even wondering if you might be a type
The trick is to craft a conformism so elaborate that you convince yourself it’s bespoke
How do I love me? Let me count t… I love me to the depths of my stom… and when in line in front of a lum… I’ll take the last fried rice in t… I love me to the level of Wall St…
Failure to pay the narcissistic wa… results in a fit of rage that cannot be assuaged short of an all against all rampag…
Sanity requires distance And social media is always Right at our fingertips
Goodbye is not always goodbye In fact, it never is For while I may never see you aga… I’ll never unsee you
In the west Since we can’t control time We just buy more time An approach used elsewhere With equally mixed results
There are two kinds of people in t… Those who believe in God And those who believe in God But also believe in God You can tell the latter
This is going nowhere so, by all means let’s keep going