Every night when I go to sleep my dreams fulfill my dearest wishe… so that I can make it through anot… But the metaverse is a dreamscape where your avatar is only allowed…
Upon my retirement I thought to myself Maybe now I can get some work don…
When I run out of things to do I write an itinerary: When all else fails fill sandbags to convert
Privacy is when everyone can see you but no one is watching Surveillance is when no one can see you
If they were ever only attacking a… there’d be nor real need for the l… But the act of distorting an idea is always a pretext to the taking… So, you’ll know it’s a strawman fa…
If you really loved robins you would stuff your bird feeder full of worms
God is hard to know– That’s how you know He is God And how He knows you care Whereas the devil doesn’t care How you found him
Part 1- Who am I? A missing person Where’s my place? It’s where I must stay
You’ll know whether you’re there to make things better or to make yourself feel better by how you react when you’re told you can do better
You would think doing well on social media would give you strength in numbers but you only end up
You can’t break the chain of events but you can break the chain of custody for the chain of events
When I sallied forth to share my… just one voice in the wild multipl… They told me to go fly a kite; it seemed that’s just life in the… Then I recalled as it began to ta…
All words are defined by other words except for God’s rule
Antisemitism is suddenly easy to f… It’s a mile wide and just scratch the surface an inch deep– You’ll find it there
Where my father’s faith led him to wear a clerical collar I struggle with faith much as I do with ring around the…