Only Cyborgs Get to Work From Home
In the latest version of Captain… Captain America’s archenemy is Captain Obvious for all the obvious reasons
At work They know me by my secret identity The mild-mannered Clark Kent But at home with my family I can relax and let them see the r…
When I ask What’s wrong? It’s always short for What’s wrong with me?
There’s always a deadline when I read a lifeline so I’ll cut right to the chase: Conjoined with your avatar you will live forever
Optimism Hope without optimism Hope against hope Unconditional surrender Noncontingent being
Most lives are lived in service to one institution or another but only very recently has this begun to feel
The crucial ingredient for random mutation to drive evolution is a surplus of time But nothing
All the games people play Are iterations of the same game: Playing along Playing along is a language game And the only way to win the game
At the end of The Sorcerer’s App… as chaos reaches a crescendo the sorcerer appears just in time and sets things back in order Apprenticed to no one,
We’ll know we’ve seen the Enlight… When we don’t know who we are From one moment to the next Because, where once The One thing we wanted
Our thick skulls are a double-edge… Protecting our fragile brains When we are brained with an actual… Even as we are so hardheaded That the truth about our lust for…
Shakespeare said “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely p… But who is the audience? After all, we’re not performing
He should have said: If everything is permitted then God does not exist
He was the kind of husband who when his wife asked him to stop sa… complied but started looking for excuses to… panda bear
I dream in color but my interpretations are in black and white