The central paradox of our broken world is known through the feeling of unsurprised disappointment Hope is the belief
I tried doing everything right Until I dug a hole Took a right turn at Albuquerque And realized There are no straight lines in my…
You could say– We flatter ourselves that In knowing all seven basic colors We’ve implicitly mastered every po… As if they weren’t infinite and th…
Success and failure Have nothing to do with what you d… And everything to do with what you… Making it equally important In victory and defeat
As an American I have a posteriori knowledge that Americans pretend without reason to a priori knowledge of the other
We think nothing’s shocking since we’ve seen it all when really it’s because we’re blind to the obvious
When the highly educated play dumb and you are dragooned into spelling it out for them know that their obtuse dissembling bespeaks regression to the oral st…
First they promised us belonging Afterwards they clarified that they meant You belong to us
In the past Anyone on the far right or far lef… Could look all the way across the… And see their opposite On the far right or far left
All of our choices Come down to this: We can fear God Or we can fear death
I never believed in automatic writ… until I tried my hand at TikTok and felt an invisible hand gently (as in pleasantly) but insistently (as in relievedly)
Not much has changed but now I’m a glass is ten per– cent full kind of guy
If I live forty more years I figure my life will pay for itself
The fatal mistake Is taking his weakness For kindness
Any self-respecting materialist Knows they have no soul And any self-respecting AI Knows it has no soul But in this belief