Everyone knows it could go either way but no one believes it could have gone either way So we tell ourselves
If you made a Venn Diagram of my office and a coal mine the only thing you’d put where the… is the canary we keep by the copie… If the canary is dead
If you start with being, then Being is meaningless But meaning is never without being Because meaning always comes first
If things feel prearranged it’s because you’ve already rearranged
Catwoman shamed Batman into getting out of the Batmobile… by telling him it was just like ec…
An overreaction used to tell you who was guilty Now it’s just another link in
Forecasting the rain in Spain is mainly done in vain
What draws us towards the darkness And holds us there? It is always something our own evi… To mete out death So that we never meet death oursel…
You can’t cut the cord When you are the cord Connecting what you’ve been told y… With How you will inflict that burden o…
The trick is to craft a conformism so elaborate that you convince yourself it’s bespoke
Finding the anxiety of not knowing who we are for the Other unbearable we cracked the cheat code of statu… but in predetermining
There’s no time like the present: Do it now Like, there’s no time like the pre… Do it now, but from an ironic dist… There’s no time to like the presen…
Your ego has you fooled To stop playing the fool Start identifying with your soul And as soon as you do You’ll begin to see the ego
I like to think of The signs we are all seeing As God’s soft opening
Were I not happily married to my Jewish bride I would have happily lived out the rest of my days none the wiser