Takeoff always happens just as we are running out of runway
A grown up is someone who knows the right thing to do and does it anyway
Every night when Smokey Bear would tuck me in… the last thing he always said was Only you can prevent forest fires
Until now technology could be understood as an extension of the body’s will to power With AI
They let Potter get away with any… but somehow I get expelled for flo… that a wizard can’t have the same… even though zero (magic) is only half as large as double ze…
It’s when all the signs say Everything must go
You can’t burn a bridge when they’ve already dismantled th… to keep you out but you can burn an eternal flame to mark the location
Just because they’re coming to get you doesn’t mean you’re not paranoid
The amygdala tags memories such th… emotional events receive priority so when you rely on how you rememb… you’re trusting how you felt as if it weren’t always the case t…
The internet wants to tell you a l… Instead, let me tell you a secret: After the Holocaust Antisemitism was buried just deep… That it came to seem an anachronis…
When things were easy going it was easy to believe you were on the up and up But when the going got tough suddenly you were going
They say love it or leave it yet what do you do if you love your country but it leaves you
After you’ve uploaded everything t… and run the lot of it through the… be sure to recycle, but keep a lit… perhaps in a locket around your ne… or, if you go in for irony,
It’s taken me this long to underst… like Pee Wee Herman I meant to do that though I’m still unsure why Because as hard as it’s been
Everyone makes fun of the weatherman for getting the forecast wrong as if getting it right is his real job