When randomness blends with lawfulness you get the Loch Ness
It didn’t matter that I’d been scrupulously carbon neutral; my interlocutors persisted until I realized that the desire to make… had left a vast carbon footprint o…
What if I could just do no wrong Then surely, I’d still get to bel… Perforce, I did nothing And found myself bluffing Whenever I needed to be strong
You can only tell that People are truly free If they work harder than everyone… Which they do because All of their work
If life is the in-breath and death the out-breath we presume that by ridding ourselves of death we’ll live an infinite in-breath
Whenever people used to ask Why bother? I always had an answer at the read… Don’t bother Because it involves bothering othe…
In the new version of Heads I win, tails you lose People hate to be wrong But love to apologize And if you accept their apology
The wrong crowd used to let things get out of control Now the wrong crowd has the best
If Star Wars is actually told From R2-D2’s perspective Then our only hope Is that God lets us go on believi… We are more powerful
Anticipation or dread work equally well at stopping time though the length of the work week
Charles Horton Cooley said “I am not what I think I am and I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am” Before the like button
In the New Age everybody knows that everything happens for a reason but nobody knows the reason so, everybody pastes together
A civilization can die From a variety of causes– Famine, conquest, madness, etc. In succumbing to boredom Ours will be the first
It’s not that I’ve often taken leave of my senses but that I can never take a hint
You’ll know you’ve weathered their gaslighting if you feel dazed but not confused