I changed My mind By following My heart
They say seeing is believing but believing is doing so, logically, seeing is doing and I see what you’re doing so, I know what you believe
The difference between being hungr… And being power hungry Is that hunger can be satisfied This is because God is
It’s only once you realize There’s no such thing As your own success That you avoid becoming A victim of your own success
The baton is a scroll that says– among other things– The road goes on forever Heaven is
Going home had come to feel like dining in a restaurant where the food is celebrated but the customers merely tolerated
Under new management, hell now consists of friendly fire
Marxism is a sadism with a simple formula: My happiness becomes real the moment yours is dematerialized
Read between the lines: We are behind enemy lines
100% of success is showing up on time
The fog of war is not knowing what’s coming next The fog of peace is thinking you know
Before Descartes, you had to prove yourself with deeds After Descartes, you could prove yourself with words It’s been a war of words ever sinc…
You wanted them all to yourself because they didn’t want anything to do with you and this is the sound of
More and more it feels as if we are teetering between 1984 and… but 84-33=51 bringing us to 1951 the actual lone year in question
The most hellish aspect of hell is how some of the people there don’t mind it at all