Self-flattery will get you everywhere but there’s nowhere left to go
Believing that one can use social media for good is like thinking one can live in the Matrix without fueling the Machines
A mind without a body, Say one that’s been uploaded to th… Is like a thought without words– You can picture it But it’s senseless
What’s the difference between wind… When what you desire is behind gla… And Windows shopping When what you desire is behind a s… When it’s behind glass
God is like a gifted analyst In that He leads you to reach Your own conclusions God is unlike an analyst In that He doesn’t interpret your…
When things were easy going it was easy to believe you were on the up and up But when the going got tough suddenly you were going
Having heard that God is everywhe… and failing to see Him anywhere the unbeliever deduces that God is neither here nor there when, in fact, God is in the air
The wrong crowd used to let things get out of control Now the wrong crowd has the best
Now that mindfulness is the official state religion the attention economy will be centrally planned
If things feel prearranged it’s because you’ve already rearranged
The saying goes There’s no I in team But there is a me And it’s because You give yourself to the team
I have not loved my neighbor as my… but I have consistently greeted hi… with an insouciant bonhomie
People think that the spork didn’t include any aspects of the… because the serrated edge of the prospective all-in-one utensil kept slicing open the focus group…
It is said that It is impossible to define God But this is just because Real power is the opposite of obsc… Nobody knows it when they see it
There’s a groove I’ve been going… just between heroic and anti-heroi… that’s perfectly romantic But betwixt the truth-teller and the soothsayer