When you first arrive in hell they… Get comfortable, you’re going to b… Which is exactly how they hold on…
I know the world is round from experience: I ran from the truth for so long that I ran smack into it
“A quantum state is not an element… instead, it represents the degrees… about the possible outcomes of mea… Just so: A mental state is not an element o…
I have a different problem: there are no feelings to express my words
The only way to avoid giving the man who has everything more of the same is to give him nothing
It didn’t matter that I’d been scrupulously carbon neutral; my interlocutors persisted until I realized that the desire to make… had left a vast carbon footprint o…
In the old country song When Mac Davis sings “Oh lord it’s hard to be humble When you’re perfect in every way” I always assumed
Life is a test but I’d been treating it like a quiz– which is a preparation for a test– under the assumption that when I d…
They couldn’t have been more obvio… in their preparations for the surp… trusting that I was the type loathe to ruin my own surprise
If you want to win friends and inf… Find out what they care about (This is easy) Ask them about it (This is significantly harder)
What is wrong with the world today?: Dear Sir or Madam, You are.
By Jove, the easi– est way to work on yourself is to get married
Many people think of life as a gift but to me it’s more like
Whenever it looks like the Jews have finally been accepted by their host culture you can be sure that trouble for the Jews
Upon my retirement I thought to myself Maybe now I can get some work don…