When we serve God determinedly Every day is humbling As we marvel at what we have been… And with it, the chance to give on… When we serve ourselves relentless…
I was an idea man with one good idea and I have no idea why they stole my idea of a good t… when they could just have it
I may not be the man who has everything but I’m the man who knows what to get for the man who has everything
Nothing is more anathema to our ti… than a phrase that was still secon… just five minutes ago: May the best man win To understand everything we’ve los…
In families adept at keeping open secrets no one expects you to state the obvious
At first moving heaven and earth is its own reward because it’s hell on wheels But self-flagellation
Solitary confinement is cruel and unusual punishment which is why they lock the cell but if they put you in solitary confinement
We can’t fool God But we can fool ourselves into thi… We fooled God The surest way to do so Is to fool ourselves into thinking
I fist met Cap’n Crunch back when he was 2nd Lieutenant C… He did this weird thing where he’d… in the powdered milk powder and sa… Stays crunchy even in milk!
Goodbye is not always goodbye In fact, it never is For while I may never see you aga… I’ll never unsee you
We have achieved the classless society: eve– rything is tacky
According to AI Sartre’s concept of nausea describ… “The feeling of dread that arises when someone perceives inanimate o… as encroaching on their sense of s…
We’re running out of time Because we’re running So walk, don’t run For though we have no time to wast… Haste still makes waste
Father knows best practice is to ask your mother
In His infinite wisdom God made the pen mightier than the… Which is why the internet’s first… Is the First Amendment It’s only once free speech and fre…