Mother Goose was always considere… a good enough mother Until lately we realized her failure to smother It was unanimous
In granting us free will God took the greatest of risks God also made us in His image God risked it all on us Risking it all on Him
In the final battle between Good and Evil both sides were allowed but one weapon Good didn’t think twice;
Since seeing is believing all that we really want is kept out of sight, out of mind leaving everything we think we kno… to the imagination
As mysterious as the caterpillar bursting into the butterfly a lifetime of following all the ru… somehow prepared them to change all the rules
Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all big stuff.
Originally it was about Michael Bike and called Bike Rider
I wear black socks On the outside Because black is how I feel In the onside
A human has being so, we call ourselves human beings God has meaning so, we call Him
The difference between God and human beings Is that God gives you what you deserve Which is always what you need
It was easier to live the lie I w… Than to face the truth we all knew But eventually The truth blew up in my face And now it’s written all over my f…
Inborn intelligence used to be tak… but for some time now it’s gone un… With Artificial Intelligence it c… although after insertion it’s alwa… Nevertheless, everyone seems perfe…
All words are defined by other words except for God’s rule
We should all know by now That every day is a do-over But we fail to realize That this means we’re in overtime And our version of overtime
Everybody knows the unwritten rule… Everybody thinks they know the unw… Nobody knows when the unwritten pu…