If God is dead we get eternal recurrence, when things just keep happening ov… and transference, where every authority figure
There Is Always Room For
An army marches on its stomach but it convoys on its internal combustion engine Still, the way to
Once the cost of AI turns negligi… the world to come becomes inexorab… and as conditions grow unintelligi… just know that you and I are repli… into beings who are far more execu…
The ego (that’s you) is a symptom of lack (that’s nothing)
If as according to us their problem is being worse than… at least they can get better But our problem
To be the bigger person you need to realize that egos are like animals: the smaller their proportions the greater their proportional str…
Everybody knows that the media is a weapon of mass distraction Social media takes the next logica… as a weapon of mass refraction that distorts our vision beyond re…
You are a rope which The devil has tied up in knots Only God can help you Untie the knots When you unfurl
The duel with yourself is whether Your life will be a duel with God Or a duel against others This is the fight of your life And you have two hands
We confuse freedom for the act of choosing when our frontal lobe has no choice but to choose just as a heart must beat
When the NSA reads my email are they ab– le to discern tone
I have just complet– ed my memoirs: One Hundred Years of Solid Food
There’s nothing you can say to me that I haven’t already ignored
The sloth’s plangent gaze confirms what we already know: The eighth deadly sin is haste