It was an offer I thought I couldn’t refuse: You can sit there and take it Or leave it Having nowhere to go
Fox News said it was “Fair and B… which supposedly meant that it was… because it was balanced but really it meant that it was fa… because it wasn’t balanced–
Heart cancer is vanishingly rare because a heart of gold only spreads love, not gold while a mind of gold inevitably spreads all the way
When at last my colleagues convinced me to go out after work and I’d relaxed enough to drop my… everyone could finally see my helm…
Our lightweight cat litter develop… hit a speed bump when we realized it was worth its weight in gold
There was always an urn on the man… made from terra cotta Little then did I know it was for the remains of the persona non gra…
Social media is proof of concept That you can please Some of the people all of the time And this starts to feel mighty pow… But this feeling is a forgetting
As bumbling first mate to his capt… Gilligan wasn’t in charge But he was the star of the show Which is how the male ego understa…
Social media– the bureaucracy of the people– is an eternal now where you always have just enough time
Waiting for a sign Is a sign of the times And while we were waiting God kept delivering the raw materi… One day at a time
No one wanted to wear augmented reality goggles until our design team hit upon the idea of making them look
The wonder of it all includes everything worth loving but also everything that must be endured So, I wonder about
Each of us gets to ask God one question and this question is your life
Now you only get to choose which hill you’re going to comply on
Past– I know what I want Therefore, I need someone to tell… so I can go ahead and do it Present–