The conceit of individualism was that you could have a type without even wondering if you might be a type
Social media came for our teenage… and unable to organize their inner… they turned their aggression inwar… Now AI is coming for our teenage… and unable to impact the external…
To break up with your significant other just say I need space To break it off
I may not be deep but I compensate for it by getting deep into the weeds
As the enormous asteroid hurtled toward Earth I found myself working harder than ever
You can’t quite see it but Moe also pokes Curly right in his third eye
There’s no time like the present: Do it now Like, there’s no time like the pre… Do it now, but from an ironic dist… There’s no time to like the presen…
The trick is to craft a conformism so elaborate that you convince yourself it’s bespoke
It always comes back to Love and work– The whole point of Love of country Is found in doing the work
War gave way Not to peace But to endless meetings
I thought my alarm clock woke me up each day but the day I realized it had always been a false alarm was the day I realized
Life is defined by failure But you can transcend failure If you die trying
It always comes down to what is most important to you and what is most important to you is not knowing what is most import…
We all know that one word or phras… Can mean two different things But we forget that one thing Can mean two different words or ph… To wit
If you made a Venn Diagram of my office and a coal mine the only thing you’d put where the… is the canary we keep by the copie… If the canary is dead