Putin lost his mind then he lost his war then he lost his job or Putin dropped the mask
I can’t just let go of my past I have to lose a tug of war and get third degree rope burns
My organizing principle Is that everyone wants to be princ… Unless they realize that God is p… And that for God Everyone is principal
Whenever it looks like the Jews have finally been accepted by their host culture you can be sure that trouble for the Jews
The internet is based on sensual p… Minus three or four of the senses And one or two dimensions of space…
You can watch my disappearing act as long as you’ve turned your back on the light allowing you to see a mere shadow of myself
Read between the lines: We are behind enemy lines
The worst part about giving every kid in little league a trophy is the way it has emptied all the… out of acquiring
Home isn’t Where you go And they have to take you in No such place exists Home is
I was the first ever lobster discovered in the wild with a rubber band around my claw clamping it shut
Initially, as you approach hell it feels like you’re getting a warm welcome
I’m converting to Judaism but I’m a Scorpio so, I have a head start
They call it open heart surgery But no one says open brain surgery Because, by default Our minds are closed And the only way to change minds
Those who were once just foaming at the mouth have been rebooted by social media… fomenting at the mouth
All behavior is purposeful and all behavior is self-serving until you realize that all behavior is self-serving which is when you find out what ha…