God took the risk and made human beings to add meaning to His creation God gambled everything because this could mean anything
When Plan A is not having a plan Plan B is not having an exit strategy
But you will always get a second chance to make a false impression
Slow and steady wins the race because there isn’t any finish line
It’s up to us Whether we do what we know is wron… Because it feels good in the momen… But if we do The devil is always there
Like generals husbands are always preparing to f… while their wives are always prepa… to fight the last just war
Each question on the purity test concludes with the following promp… Which two answers are correct? And you always have the same four choices:
In inter-family feuds eventually the gloves come off but in intra-family feuds the masks come off
The eternal flame at Al Gore’s tomb works like the light in a refriger… and only burns when you look at it
Wittgenstein began by telling us t… Face the facts But the fact is A cold, hard bottle In the form of our addiction to
Nietzsche imagined eternal recurre… as the ultimate Yes to life! whereas Jews understand that life is a lot of love and work
If you need to appear weak to access power you’ll end up weak-kneed and abuse your power
When we restrict someone’s space i… we say that they are doing time implying that the rest of us are doing spacetime You do time
The difference between Mother Nature and God the Father is that the former doesn’t suffer fools gladly while the latter
The digital clone born of your onl… Isn’t you, exactly But that leaves open the question… Who is the real you? This can be resolved by answering…