It should come as no surprise when the Emperor with no clothes e… Off with their threads!
Until the company’s weekend retrea… I didn’t know that my leadership s… was like never having braces but still wearing a retainer
When anything you think Can and will be used against you The purpose of state-funded educat… Will be learning not to think As the doyens of higher learning
Your life, like everyone else’s will eventually accept death’s pro… and maybe it’s because from the moment you were born death has been saying yes to life
Money is an illusion that fools al… We only have one currency to spend And it is time At the time of judgment day We will only be asked one question…
If you want to feel a little bit guilty just break a rule or two But if you want to feel well and truly guilty
We’ll never win a power struggle But that’s never stopped us trying And we always end up tying Because our fates are tied togethe…
In comic books Superheroes assume a secret identi… In order to fool others So they can continue to serve othe… In real life
It’s almost impossible to tell the difference between self-effacement and self-abasement In the former he stays down to earth
A wise man once told me that there are two kinds of family prob… He said Family Problem #1 is not having a family
The universe is always asking By chance, do you have a creative…
If the honeymoon is over And things have gone leaden Rejoice, you have a lot of work to… Which is known as the golden age
Did we stop playing the long game because it is the wrong game or is it only the wrong game because we’ve long since stopped p… Or is asking that question more of…
Six days of innovation One day of relaxation I guarantee: Creation!
Because, per Morrissey “We hate it when our friends becom… we got rid of success by eliminating all competition except for the number of friends