You can spend your life trying to understand why bad things happen to good people only to learn that good people do bad things
Death and danger are our lot Look at what my kid can do is what’s been wrought
Happy me, happy precis: Happy wife, happy life
The wait is heavy So, I choose to carry a heavy wei… And where the wait is exhausting The weight is strengthening As long as I rest between lifts o…
Our enemies believe we are weak Because our elites believe that we… When, of course, strength is for p… Which our elites will only come to… When they find that they can’t pro…
People used to kill the goose that laid the golden egg because they wanted more gold
We all have stuff With our stuff we do our thing Our thing is making a mess Which is called creation Our mistake is thinking we need to…
Somehow we evolved to love a challenge but hate a challenge to our thinking
I’ve done the math: In regards to #1 #1a is sadly mistaken
When all politics were still local to exert power you were required to go where the people were gather… In cyberspace all politics are nod… and to exert power you require the…
There’s no time like the present as we now reside outside of time inside a stalled clockworks as useless cogs in the rundown machine
Our souls have a body Our bodies have five senses And we all have a sixth sense That there is no sixth sense Yet we’re left with a sense of sel…
When did we ditch the Pledge of Allegiance for the wedge of a grievance
All self-help books boil down to this: You can’t fold a piece of paper more than 7 times but if you could fold it 103 times
I have just complet– ed my memoirs: One Hundred Years of Solid Food