Fox News said it was “Fair and B… which supposedly meant that it was… because it was balanced but really it meant that it was fa… because it wasn’t balanced–
Before the culture war you could talk to someone anyone say what you think and, when necessary, append a
Heads I bite my tongue Tails You cut it off
Where before It was handed to me on a silver-pl… Where everything real was just bel… Now I’ve found the real way forwa… By making it up as I go along
When I was standing in the shallow end I really believed I was all in only later coming to realize
We have passed from an age of temporary solutions for permanent… consider religion and death– to an era of permanent solutions for temporary…
The only way to become friends And stay friends Is to spend time together Is it any wonder, then That pandemic lockdowns
It’s almost impossible to tell the difference between self-effacement and self-abasement In the former he stays down to earth
The best way to control somebody Is to divide the mind from the bod… Because the body is where the soul…
I know how it must sound– A two-year long two—week lockdown— But let me expound And dish the lowdown: What we fear’s a hoedown
People are afraid of change so they change with the times
The rug saves its harshest critique for the carpet
No one is exactly sure why God switched from a pass/fail syst… to having you grade yourself but there have been quite a lot of B-plusses flying ar…
Instead of dismantling oppression we dismantled the printing press inaugurating the Information Age when no news is good news all information is disinformation
The distance between zero and one is infinitely greater than the distance between one and infinity