Caricamento in corso...

Asking For a Friend

I used to want to walk without footsteps
Because I thought I didn’t deserve
To leave any tracks
I used to keep my eyes down and my mouth closed
Because my thoughts, opinions, and ideas
Were invalid and unimportant
I used to wait for someone to tell me that I mattered
To be allowed to share my soul and shine my light
But that didn’t come.
Where did I get this idea that I needed permission to be me
And who did i expect it would come from?
There are no rules
And it’s impossible to be wrong
There is simply choice and consequence
And, hopefully, accountability and growth.
So when you find yourself looking externally
For validation and confirmation that you are doing just fine
Remember that everybody leaves footprints
And you have the power to change someone’s life
With no permission at all.

Altre opere di Clarice Sayle...
