Caricamento in corso...


when life gives me lemons
I question their importance and doubt their contribution to America’s favorite summertime drink
when life gives me lemons
I grate the edges for a little bit of zest and become obsessed with what others might think
when life gives me lemons
I slice them up and cut myself in the process, acid juice dripping into open wounds
when life gives me lemons
I squeeze out their insides until empty and remind myself that’s how I feel when I’m with you
when life gives me lemons
I juggle one too many until they are all split open on the ground
when life gives me lemons
I throw them at interested passerby to make sure no one sticks around
when life gives me lemons
I paint them green and convince all my friends that they’re actually limes
and when life gives me lemons
I sit at home, alone, wondering why everything just tastes sour all the time

Altre opere di Clarice Sayle...
