Now that everyone else is also holier than thou Our far left raised the stakes becoming holier than Mao With slogans of piffle
The United States’ motto is still In God We Trust but everyone knows that’s come to mean Don’t Get Your Hopes Up
If they cut a deal with the devil to cut you loose without ever having to cut the crap they’ll cut right to the chase and… how much it saddens them to cut ti…
In the past they randomly distributed blanks amongst the firing squad so that you’d never know if you were really executing enemy…
They couldn’t have been more obvio… in their preparations for the surp… trusting that I was the type loathe to ruin my own surprise
The US Constitution rules out cruel and unusual punishment but that and a nickel will get you 1% of a cup of coffee now that cruelty is the usual
A smartphone with AI is to a person as a person is to a horse
AI didn’t write this poem; it wrote the algorithm that decided whether or not you would read it
Mysticism, esoteric knowledge, these are euphemisms for what’s hiding in plain sight: We are not alone
In the past Anyone on the far right or far lef… Could look all the way across the… And see their opposite On the far right or far left
Behaviorists insist that the mind is a black box which makes it an utter mystery
We are gathered around our phones Like little campfires And all we ever hear Are scary stories
Whether or not “art is the proper task of life” the transition to AI-generated synthetic media will complete the debasement of th…
We think of death As the worst-case scenario But what if In the best-case scenario Death is the answer to a question?
When words fail you’re getting close to the truth But we’re just about to talk ourselves into