In an earthly alternative to astro… We each get our own distinct Tree… And mine is a Pacific silver fir Another word for which is Amabilis
Instead of the invisible hand bending self-interest towards the collective good we got the risible glad-hand laughing our selfishness off
In the same Talking Heads song the “road to nowhere” is both a “road to paradise” and the way “they can tell you what to… and “make a fool of you”
Afraid that everything I wanted was nothing to write home about I was left with nothing to write home about
Given a choice I’d rather open a restau– rant than my marriage
Almost every student prefers and l… But will almost always take the vi… Because those classes are always e…
Human beings need to compete for what they want To ruin human beings try meeting their needs
Nobody wants to feel left out And we’ll do anything to stay in Which is why most people have inni… Right by their guts Because trusting your gut
It’s not about you; It’s about me– This is how you know She’s breaking up with you It’s not about you;
Gracious me! Now that college Has become a finishing school There are no starter homes
When I got to the cave at the top of the mountain and asked the hermit What is the meaning of life? she said
Nobody grows up wanting to be a mot– ivational speaker
The jig is finally up When Mr. Cool Goes to shul
What looks like the wreckage of my life is just my crumple zone doing its job
The unconscious is to repression as The algorithms are to redaction