None of us can see further than our own noses but Pinocchio can see further than the rest of us
When they locked down the third pl… (Houses of worship) And made the first two places (Home and work) Into one place
When Eddie Money said “I’ve got two tickets to paradise” he didn’t mention that the paradise sales team only sells tickets in pairs
Unsatisfied with turning on the T… to take our minds off things we’ve taken to turning our minds o…
Every strength comes with a weakne… So, when a recent headline said “Is Xi Jinping all-powerful or we… it demonstrated that our greatest… is the ability to ask a stupid que…
Why is there something rather than nothing? Because nothing is impossible
If we know our physics is real Because GPS works Then we know our God is real Because language works
Some people have baggage; I come with furniture Fortunately, my wife enjoys rearranging
My wife I mean my life Is a fulfillment of dreams Where I wish I were wearing pants
To paraphrase Hitchcock a marriage is only as good as its villain
You can watch my disappearing act as long as you’ve turned your back on the light allowing you to see a mere shadow of myself
It’s not that we are past The point of no return But that we the people Have invested our life savings In scorn for our neighbor
People tend to be wrong and through their errors get closer to the truth This is known as freedom The most sacred narratives
In Let there be plight the P is silent
Like many of you All my life I’ve been trying to predict What will happen when The unstoppable force