Who is my trainer? God Who is my sparring partner? God Who is my cornerman?
When America was grouped by right… We could always meet in the middle… This was called democracy But those days are over With America divided into
You’ll know the movement for justice has ceased when everyone and everything comes to a standstill
People ask if God is real But that’s the wrong question The real question is whether or no… We are afraid to ask that question Because we are afraid of what othe…
What draws us towards the darkness And holds us there? It is always something our own evi… To mete out death So that we never meet death oursel…
It was always true that if you tried to save the relationship by looking the other way eventually they’d want to be
When I picked candy apples as my… (think spirit animals for foodies) I honestly had no idea I was naturally sweet but laid it on way too thick
In an online community You don’t have to commute But your sins will never be commut…
The human brain has 100 trillion synaptic connections which sounds like a lot but it’s only 0.0000000005% of the universe’s 200 billion tril…
If God is good Then why are people so often evil? It might help if you think of it l… Just as we can all access The light side of the Force
Archaeologists have looked and loo… But what if the Earth itself is o… And our universe the flood of dark… As we inhabit story within story w… In an infinite fractal
All the games people play Are iterations of the same game: Playing along Playing along is a language game And the only way to win the game
We are on the cusp of a great cala… The war of all against all Will commence as soon as No one lifts a finger Do not be fooled–
I had previously asserted that The only thing bigger than my ego Is God’s plan for me This remains the case But I would add that
In the state of nature You live by the sword And die by the sword In civilization The pen is mightier