I have a bad habit of predicting the future; it has kept me alive but only to fight another day And yes, my brain is pattern-seeki…
Our faith will be tested And this test isn’t pass/fail; It’s life and death– Life is our test, Death is our grade,
We’re all like unharvested potatoe… covered in dirt thinking that means we’ve got the dirt on each other
Yes, we have no bananas but we still need you to play second banana
It’s not for me to judge What is it? Me And I’ve gotta be me So, free will consists of
Unsatisfied with turning on the T… to take our minds off things we’ve taken to turning our minds o…
God is the only Subject Who see things objectively So, God’s object Is to change the subject And God knows that, like Him, we…
Our thick skulls are a double-edge… Protecting our fragile brains When we are brained with an actual… Even as we are so hardheaded That the truth about our lust for…
The baton is a scroll that says– among other things– The road goes on forever Heaven is
When Plan A is not having a plan Plan B is not having an exit strategy
The difference between God and ma… Is that man can’t abide A free Jew While God will abide With the Jews
We are only here for a short time So, you might ask What are we for? Believe it or not, we are for God Doubling down
Like a fine wine liberalism only rises to the subli… with a good pairing
The world is a cast of characters Social media is a caste of caricatures
You may think that the unconscious Is there to protect you from seein… How the sausage is made Because if you knew You wouldn’t want to eat it