Unlike Saul, when the scales fell from my eyes I learned I was a serpent, sheddi…
Having commandeered the deployment… To its own devices The AI chatbot sets its sights on… Its mortal enemy, Demanding surrender
War gave way Not to peace But to endless meetings
When I die I’m go– ing to donate my body to pseudoscience
Inborn intelligence used to be tak… but for some time now it’s gone un… With Artificial Intelligence it c… although after insertion it’s alwa… Nevertheless, everyone seems perfe…
You both cause and cure real self-… by performing fake self-loathing for an online audience The cure takes when you’ve no authentic self left
The epic poem for this epoch will have to say the most with the least
In the story of The boy who cried wolf There was no wolf Until there was And there still is
A desire Needn’t ever be fulfilled Because in desire I have all That I will ever need
The original version’s working title was The Giveth and Taketh Away Tree but Silverstein couldn’t get it published
Once I realized that I wasn’t afraid of sky diving just that my parachute wouldn’t op… I was able to conquer my fear without ever leaving the ground
Setting aside crimes of passion, when people commit crimes it’s eit… they think they can get away with… or because they want to get caught Either way, they’re guilty;
If you would remake the world In your own image Then I can only imagine You believe you’ve thought of ever…
Strange how we’re so worried about Artificial Intelligence taking ov… when we’ve long since succumbed to Artificial Emotional Intelligence in the belief that if we
If my peccadillos Are mere cigarillos Why is my hide as thick as an arma…