Old habits are hard to break but impossible to make New habits, like flossing, are easy to make
In the analog it was enough to consider the source Now, in the digital you must consider the source code:
Today’s peace movement, in a nutsh… Do what we do Not what we say And we say we come in peace Because we’re mostly peaceful
The left believes that the culture war can be won by winning elections The right believes that the culture war can be won
People still make all the mistakes but now A.I. does all the learning
People think artists are painting, dancing, writing, or… when really they’re all whistling past the graveyard
The dictatorship of the professori… uses neologisms to prevent counter elocution and to speed the transition to authentic sophism and the
I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid
There was a time when fools managed perceptions in order to manage reality, realists managed perceptions because they couldn’t manage reali…
Rome wasn’t built in a day But it was sacked In a day and a half
Having priced myself Out of the market I’ve rebranded as generic
What I lack in hygiene I make up for in sleep hygiene
I hope to live several decades more making it odd to know so very well what they’ll put
7 in 10 Americans believe in heave… while only 6 in 10 believe in hell which is why the house always wins
Looking back on college it’s unclear if I was a party animal party mineral or party vegetable