A record sounds the same every time you play it A broken record is intolerable because it isn’t broken, it’s just…
Everyone thinks Vladimir and Estr… stay together because they’re both waiting for Godot when really it’s their mutual disdain for Wile E. Coyote
In Putin’s version of Let’s Make… he shows you what’s behind Door #1… - You let Putin run you through w… AND what’s behind Door #2: - You fall on your sword to atone…
When I asked Permission to come aboard The ship of fools They said Everything is permitted
Growing up was hard enough when we just had cliques not today’s clicks upon cliques
Let good intentions be my sword and naivete my shield
When I got my first honey-do list after the wedding I explained to my bride that I us… until I was bitten by one of the 5… that don’t make webs
The metaverse only took off once people realized that the only way to accrue status ther… was through displays of a toleranc…
Faith is an act of will power And since faith isn’t knowledge Because it necessarily involves do… For now, the act is always a predi… I will believe
To avoid road rage all rearview mirrors have been replaced by screens displaying a real-time computerize… of the way things ought to be
There was no end in sight but we put an end to that by losing our sight And all we could hear was the sound of violence
Each of us gets to ask God one question and this question is your life
Beauty is in the eye of the stockholder
If Meta has its way Meta will be to the metaverse as God is to the universe Of course if you look God in the face
People complain that Jews stick t… In spite of, or, more likely, beca… That it is why Jews are still her… And always will be Jews stick together because