Caricamento in corso...


In the tapestry of life, a sacred thread,
A mother’s love, where dreams are bred.
A blessed being, pure and divine,
Worthy of eternal bliss, a love so fine.
She reaches out with hands so warm,
Wiping away tears, weathering the storm.
In the realm of despair and sorrow,
Her love shines bright, a radiant tomorrow.
Children without mothers, in shadows they dwell,
A void so deep, a tale to tell.
Yet mothers know that sadness, they understand,
Rewarded by deities, with a guiding hand.
Smitten by love, a child’s innocent gaze,
Believing the world in a love-filled maze.
But when love’s fleeting, a transient art,
A mother’s love remains, a steadfast heart.
God, in His wisdom, fashioned this embrace,
Creating mothers in a tender grace.
For He couldn’t be everywhere, it’s true,
So, mothers became His love in human hue.
Through the trials of life, they stand by,
An unwavering presence, reaching the sky.
In joy or despair, come what may,
A mother’s love lights the darkest day.

Altre opere di Ruwantissa Abeyratne...
