
Guttila Kavya

In the realm where beauty weaves its radiant song,
Rays of light, a dance, a tapestry strong.
Their feet, a symphony of male and female flight,
Harmony in motion, beneath the moon’s soft light.
Eyes locked, a mesh of passion’s embrace,
Goddesses’ dance, a vision, a grace.
How do words capture that enchanting sight,
When celestial beings waltzed that magical night?
Tresses adorned with Madara’s sweet bloom,
Painting the landscape, dispelling the gloom.
Pearls of the ocean, their dance in the night,
Under the moon’s gaze, a shimmering delight.
Anklets’ music, a fusion with the violin’s call,
A celestial rhythm, enchanting all.
Light and music intertwined in sweet trance,
Heavens’ luxury, in that mesmerizing dance.

Autres oeuvres par Ruwantissa Abeyratne...
