

In the realm of dreams, where wishes unfurl,
A tale of longing, in this poetic swirl,
A fragrance sweet, a breeze so cool,
Why, my love, did you become a flowing pool?
To quench the thirst of this heart, you see,
For your cool waters, the elixir, the key,
Without a sip, what use, what gain,
If I cannot taste your soothing rain?
You, a star in the endless night,
But can you not bring me love’s sweet light?
The heartache’s song, a mournful tune,
Each arrow strikes, beneath the moon’s soft swoon.
I yearn for a bed of roses fair,
To cradle me, as I gaze up there,
At the moon that breaks through mountain’s hold,
With clouds on horseback, secrets to unfold.
I’ll watch through sleepy, enchanted eyes,
As joy blooms, beneath the moonlit skies,
For too long, in silence, I’ve been confined,
Open my life, with the gems in your eyes, entwined.
Let them pave the way to our future’s expanse,
In this dance of love, in this intricate trance,
Where your essence, my dear, is the sweet, fragrant breeze,
And your love, like a river, flows through all that I seize.

Autres oeuvres par Ruwantissa Abeyratne...
