Caricamento in corso...


When a brother departs, we gather near,
To honor his journey, to shed a tear.
We pluck from life’s nettle, memories bittersweet,
Of deeds achieved, and dreams incomplete.
For the soul departed, it’s a solemn call,
A beckoning beyond, where shadows fall.
Upon this shore, do spirits yet remain?
Or have they ventured where dreams attain?
Time’s relentless surge, oh, heed its plea,
As twilight descends, let us set free.
Weariness weighs heavy, each step we tread,
In the cycle of life, where paths are led.
Once more we ask, hearts heavy with care,
Are there still souls for the distant air?
As sunset hues fade, whispers softly sigh,
In the vast expanse, where souls abide.
We wait, knowing fate’s inevitable mark,
For the moment when shadows embark.
Are there any more souls to disembark,
In the journey beyond, in the eternal dark?
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