Caricamento in corso...


Home, a concept profound and deep,
A question in our hearts, secrets it keeps.
What is this place where memories reside,
Of people left behind, on life’s long ride?
A place abandoned, betrayed, it seems,
Where once the sun shone in our dreams,
The scent of home-cooked meals, now gone,
In its absence, we carry on alone.
The thought of parents, lost to time,
Leaves an ache, a silent, bitter chime,
Loneliness, like an endless sea,
In this place where we used to be.
No one asked, “Where are you from?”
Here, we were not seen as 'foreign’ or ‘strum.’
No need to explain, no cultural divide,
A place where we could truly reside.
We were never strangers in this embrace,
No need to adjust, find our own space,
Our race, not a burden, not a weight,
In this home, love erased that state.
Yet, it was a place of need, it’s true,
Where yearning for plenty, we once knew,
Our worth, we searched, we longed to find,
But at what cost, did we leave it behind?
Now we stand, where life’s currents toss,
With plenty and worth, but a sense of loss,
For home, it lingers, in our hearts and minds,
A place of memories, in the fabric of time.

Altre opere di Ruwantissa Abeyratne...
