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The Journey not the End

The Journey not the End
Ruwantissa Abeyratne
Blooms that blossom and wither,
Roadside gems, they choose to stay,
Not in grand halls or lofty mansions,
But along the path, where they sway.
Don’t fixate on the land they flourish,
Where they’ll be held in gentle hands,
Instead, keep your gaze on the journey,
Where destiny weaves its intricate strands.
Extend a hand to the child of a humble mother,
Whose heart cradles dreams untold,
In her embrace, he finds comfort and shelter,
In her love, a treasure to behold.
Let your tears fall like gentle rain,
Breathing life into petals so frail,
Reviving the spirit of a withering bloom,
With your compassion, the wind will sail.

Altre opere di Ruwantissa Abeyratne...
