The difference between God and ma… When we get up to our usual shenan… God always says Frankly my dear, I do give a damn
You’ll know you’re talking to God When He doesn’t talk back Yet you still have your answer
If you can catch someone lying to… you can figure out what they want… If you can catch yourself lying to… you can figure out your own desire The former can make you rich
Time marches on and for mere mortals it marches to the beat of its own… which is how we got rhythm But the immortals found
I’ve been gaining valuable experie… In on-the-job training It’s a big job But somebody’s got to do it– I’m learning how to predict the fu…
In days gone by we said you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink In these more opportune times it’s widely understood that
We treat life as if Postponing the inevitable When we should be busy Preparing for the inestimable
The best way to control somebody Is to divide the mind from the bod… Because the body is where the soul…
According to AI Sartre’s concept of nausea describ… “The feeling of dread that arises when someone perceives inanimate o… as encroaching on their sense of s…
Actually marr– iage is like riding a tan– dem unicycle
It was only after we debuted our sugar coated raisins to fight back against Craisins that I realized you could win hearts and minds
I believe in the great man theory of history because the good man theory of history is so obviously false
The prevailing mood was that of a nuclear submarine having failed to deter Armageddon
Human beings would be hopeless but for God being hopelessly in love with us
It’s widely known that A man’s best availability is his a… The highest praise for a man is What would we do without him? But it’s rarely said that