It feels like I’m writ– ing an unauthorized au– tobiography
Trump’s genius is his nothingness which allows him to be everything e.g., He’s America’s inside joke (American democracy was a joke lon…
The difference between Being asleep at the wheel And being asleep at the wheel Of a self-driving car Is that in the former
Mistakes are inev– itable; owning them is inestimable
The closest I ev– er came to forming Voltron was using Groupon
Marriage is the only place I’m neither feature nor bug but both
When the loyal opposition smelled a rat the administration’s defense centered on the fact that it wasn’t the rats that had carrie…
One wonders how they arrived at the 140 character limit per Twe… Did they consult the Kabbalah the average length of haiku or the heart rate of the hummingbi…
We fear that the long game Is a long, lost game Because we find ourselves lost Forgetting how, on the surface of… We can plow forward in trust
Can’t buy me love but you can buy me likes
Thanks to QR codes you can sign-in without your signature much as for some time now your phone has enabled you
The pursuit of fame is the human equivalent of a dog chasing its own tail
In the new cold war between the neoliberal west and the Chinese Communist Party the neoliberals are destined to wi… having already hacked the path of…
There is hiding yourself and there is hiding from yourself; the former is often
When I started telling my employe… Apologies in advance! they still felt compelled by decor… No apologies needed which was how I ended exploitation