You can die a million times Without a single ego death But one ego death is worth One God
No one seems to see (least of all me) that being all you can be isn’t about clutching superiority– it’s for abjuring mediocrity
All of our choices Come down to this: We can fear God Or we can fear death
I’m not afraid of jumping in front of a bus because I don’t want to jump in front of a bus I am afraid of
It was easier to live the lie I w… Than to face the truth we all knew But eventually The truth blew up in my face And now it’s written all over my f…
You’re not allowed to copy from your neighbor because you’re supposed to copy from your teacher
My psychic told me I needed to ta… I said I already knew that I came here to look before I leap
One of the great things about bein… Or, in my case, becoming Jewish Is that every Jew has a voice So, you would be forgiven for thin… Two Jews, two opinions
Everyone wants to drive a wedge between the monotheists and the Da… when the only real difference is that the former believe this land was made for you and me
What happens within the gray matte… has always been a gray area but as the gray scale falls from o… everything is in black and white including the technicolor dreamcoa…
All raw deals Are some version of the following: If we screw up You’ll keep your mouth shut Because if you draw attention to i…
Two things can be true at the same… 1. Logic tells us what we can and… 2. Paradox tells us God can do wh… More importantly God sees what we cannot do
They let Potter get away with any… but somehow I get expelled for flo… that a wizard can’t have the same… even though zero (magic) is only half as large as double ze…
Our brains are just big enough to operate eight fingers and two thumbs An octopus is smart but if it also had
Shakespeare said “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely p… But who is the audience? After all, we’re not performing