I have a different problem: there are no feelings to express my words
When postmodern nihilism governs w… Western elites govern by playing i… Because nothing is worth the risk
In the battle between good and evil good appears to be playing for a tie Evil,
The sloth’s plangent gaze confirms what we already know: The eighth deadly sin is haste
I don’t meet many people with a mind like a steel trap Instead, the really smart people tend to have minds like trawling n… to catch the really big fish
The saying goes There’s no I in team But there is a me And it’s because You give yourself to the team
My wife fell right back in love with me when we came up with a rubric
If we insist It’s not a competition It becomes A war If we admit
Poets are to their poems As parents are to their children Preparing them for the world Without knowing what they will do
The culture war is a cyber war where you can’t tell that you’re behind enemy lines until you’re compelled to read your lines
Everybody worships something But that something is amiss Hero worship is one thing But heroin’s an abyss Invisible from the One Ring
When all politics were still local to exert power you were required to go where the people were gather… In cyberspace all politics are nod… and to exert power you require the…
Faith can only move mountains by ignoring mountains of evidence Like most people who’ve lost their… I’ve retained my ability to ignore mountains of evidence
When the loyal opposition smelled a rat the administration’s defense centered on the fact that it wasn’t the rats that had carrie…
Life’s greatest mystery is how other people could possibly have as little interest in my Spotify playlists