The Real is meaningless but doesn’t lack meaning The Symbolic is meaningful but can lack all meaning We can only navigate
Civilization began when a discussion group convened to debate the meaning of the phras… The less said, the better
Once the cost of AI turns negligi… the world to come becomes inexorab… and as conditions grow unintelligi… just know that you and I are repli… into beings who are far more execu…
To elide is to join together by omitting The world elides Jews abide
When we serve God determinedly Every day is humbling As we marvel at what we have been… And with it, the chance to give on… When we serve ourselves relentless…
The fatal mistake Is taking his weakness For kindness
Jews learned to read between the l… when time and again they were granted a lifetime membe… only to find that their membership could still be lapsed
It didn’t matter that I’d been scrupulously carbon neutral; my interlocutors persisted until I realized that the desire to make… had left a vast carbon footprint o…
You can’t be free of self-consciousness so you have to be free with self-consciousness; we call this condition
I’m sad to say I’ve never been happier And I’m happy to say I’ve never been sadder All of which is to say
The jig is finally up When Mr. Cool Goes to shul
Everybody knows that the media is a weapon of mass distraction Social media takes the next logica… as a weapon of mass refraction that distorts our vision beyond re…
I believe in the great man theory of history because the good man theory of history is so obviously false
Lunch is born free but everywhere is in chain restaurants
We can’t fool God But we can fool ourselves into thi… We fooled God The surest way to do so Is to fool ourselves into thinking