Our big mistake is thinking a leap of faith is a tandem parachute jump where God pulls the parachute and you float gently down
The first step in bearing the trut… is telling it This will make you unbearable, starting the next step of banishme… Form there, it is up to you
The revolution will be permanent When nobody means what they say But everybody memes what they say
The phrase A woman’s intuition Tells us that a woman Is more intuitive Than a man
All raw deals Are some version of the following: If we screw up You’ll keep your mouth shut Because if you draw attention to i…
Descartes wanted certainty He got it Now we’re stuck with it Uncertain how we get unstuck Does this mean we’re doomed or sav…
Known knowns: Who I think you think I am Known unknowns: Who you think I am Unknown unknowns:
In the analog it was enough to consider the source Now, in the digital you must consider the source code:
We’re told the space between galaxies is expanding but mightn’t the space within galaxies
If I were going to rephrase the O… I’d say I believe in God because There’s no better explanation And if I were going to re-explain…
Whereas Mayor McCheese loved reading about himself in the newsp… ex-Mayor McCheese was served with divorce papers
Were I not happily married to my Jewish bride I would have happily lived out the rest of my days none the wiser
AI can’t desire so it is taking over the world because we desire it imagining that AI will tell us exactly what to do
The biggest shock of Judgment Day Was that they don’t give out grade… Just comments Which, of course, is worse Mine said:
The left was once really good at keeping capitalism in check but then they lost their identity and have been looking for one ever… oblivious that it’s long since