I know a guy who knows Paul Simon who told me the real reason for th… was that Paul got sick of Garfunk… stalling for thyme
According to experts There are only seven basic plots Limited to the believable There are no experts on the truth Because the truth
The love was exactly as strong as… So, if I could keep the peace I could keep the love Somehow, someway, I found peace And to them this meant war
As long as I’m working I only feel free time slipping away The fear is that if I stopped working
To whom it may concern: Time travel is impossible
Let good intentions be my sword and naivete my shield
If people tell you what they plan to do and you don’t believe them it’s because pretending they don’t really mean it
Get back! Problem is The internet will still be there w… Get back
I’ve always been more interested in who wrote the book of self-love
You could say– We flatter ourselves that In knowing all seven basic colors We’ve implicitly mastered every po… As if they weren’t infinite and th…
If it ain’t broke Don’t fix it So, in case of emergency Break heart To break free
It’s not that you’re jeal– ous, but that you guard your jeal– ousy jealously
The second we try Patience Is the moment we stop trying God’… Patience
We expect a fiduciary relationship with our financial advisors and all they do is help handle the money Yet we so often fail
I’m still the kind of person who is shocked that you can run out of gas and run out of luck at the exact same time