When it happens We can’t help but ask What is déjà vu? Since déjà vu destabilizes all of… Which boil down to
When did we ditch the Pledge of Allegiance for the wedge of a grievance
Everyone has a gift in life and mine is knowing exactly how much I can bid in a silent auction without winning
When they locked down the third pl… (Houses of worship) And made the first two places (Home and work) Into one place
In a post-pandemic bid to remain relevant the SATs have removed all true/false questions in acknowledgment that such questi…
Behaviorists insist that the mind is a black box which makes it an utter mystery
Just as a lucky horseshoe works Whether you believe in it or not As long as the competition to pass… Goes on forever Then everyone’s a winner
You know a civilization by its ass… and ours assumes a great deal of d… To finance that debt we assume that the best predictor of future… is past behavior
The old saying– It’s better to have one and not ne… Than to need one and not have it– Comes from the fact that Everyone has what they need
Think about how much control they… with a made up version of eternal damnation Then consider how much freedom you’ll be left with
In my experience it’s not necessarily true that one plus one must equal two The sum is nearly always
God gives us what is necessary but not sufficient because nothing is ever sufficient
In East Germany they had a planned economy and an old joke: I pretend to work You pretend to pay me
My whole life, I thought I’d done… Duly deputized by the law of the l… As enforced by the superego, for w… But due to unforeseen circumstance… When instead of always being due f…
Thesis: I think it through to see it throu… Antithesis: I think it through to see through… Synthesis: