You know a civilization by its ass… and ours assumes a great deal of d… To finance that debt we assume that the best predictor of future… is past behavior
Right up until the last revision it said Life, liberty and the hot pursuit…
As the Zamboni driver erasing everything that just happe… so it can all happen again I am preparing for my own death
Failure to pay the narcissistic wa… results in a fit of rage that cannot be assuaged short of an all against all rampag…
Rare earth metals aren’t actually rare They take their name from the rare earth mettle of ardor, courage, and stamina
I have a deep need for love but an even deeper fear of rejecti… and God is both the greatest gamble and the surest thing
He should have said: If everything is permitted then God does not exist
The only way to avoid giving the man who has everything more of the same is to give him nothing
There’s a groove I’ve been going… just between heroic and anti-heroi… that’s perfectly romantic But betwixt the truth-teller and the soothsayer
Antisemitism is suddenly easy to f… It’s a mile wide and just scratch the surface an inch deep– You’ll find it there
There’s always been a method to our madness Its latest name is the scientific method The madness is believing in
God’s not buying it Until you own it– Are we clear?
When I put a period at the end of my text message it means that
Originally a method for learning from mistakes science had been debased into a tool for sorting right from wrong
One thing I’ve learned is The good times Weren’t as good As I imagined them to be In fear of the bad times