You can spend your life trying to understand why bad things happen to good people only to learn that good people do bad things
God’s loyalty is only matched By His Demands The most demanding of which is equ… And by His rewards The most rewarding of which remain…
Don’t think of a pink elephant and while you’re at it Don’t kill the messenger
Art is where the Symbolic meets the Real forming a liminal space between meaning and its absence AI-generated art is where the Unr…
God is the world’s only super-bower
We pass through birth, life, and death like H2O phasing through ice, water, and steam so yes
The quartermaster is responsible f… and nothing more Some of you will be content to half-ass the rest of it Some of you will be willing to ris…
When they shut down Ringling Bros… a down on his luck clown looked into a second career as a m… but was informed that the mimes were only accepting applications f…
If you give people enough space You’ll be amazed By their flexibility If you give people enough cyberspa… You’ll be aghast
Men are from Mars Women are from everywhere else
When all politics were still local to exert power you were required to go where the people were gather… In cyberspace all politics are nod… and to exert power you require the…
On paper Scratch that On screen The devil looks unbeatable Since odds always favor
Because we know we must die and that survival depends on belonging we all live in fear
I don’t get mad I get odd
The three most powerful words in the English language are not I love you; they are So be it