People complain that Jews stick t… In spite of, or, more likely, beca… That it is why Jews are still her… And always will be Jews stick together because
Like you I was born for greatness And, like you My call to greatness is “A great disturbance in the Force…
Death and danger are our lot Look at what my kid can do is what’s been wrought
The worst-case scenario comes true when enough people believe it’s the best case scenario
On the Mt. Rushmore of cartoon mice I would put four Jerrys
This ain’t culture war– it’s one cult in action with two rival factions
A person is like a cat who puts a bell around its own nec… but continues to hunt
If your phalanges cause you to philander pluck off the ring
I know I’m losing an argument with my friends when my thoughts turn to lunch I know I’m winning when I’m about to lose my lunch
As the public version of one’s pri… social media is the recurring drea… of showing up at work without any… come true
Steely Dan sings “I don’t wanna do your dirty work… again and again only once intoning “I foresee terrible trouble
In the latest version of doublespe… A rhetorical question Is shrouded in a question
The quartermaster is responsible f… and nothing more Some of you will be content to half-ass the rest of it Some of you will be willing to ris…
If you are taught that asserting yourself is wrong your only defense will be victimho… Knowing this we can reverse engineer
The culture war is a cyber war where you can’t tell that you’re behind enemy lines until you’re compelled to read your lines