As ever There is the easy way And the hard way The hard way Is being condemned to a freedom
It’s only once you realize There’s no such thing As your own success That you avoid becoming A victim of your own success
The human condition is either thinking that we’re free when we’re actually held captive or thinking that we’re captive when we’re actually free
There are No shortcuts On an Infinite journey
I had previously asserted that An ideology will fail When it asks its followers to beli… Despite the fact that it isn’t tru… But an ideology will succeed
We are not material beings; We are embodied spiritual beings Language is how the spirit moves u… As in moves our bodies– Especially when words are set to m…
The word of God is written in invisible ink and must be lived in order to be truly seen unless and until those lives are d…
Old habits are hard to break but impossible to make New habits, like flossing, are easy to make
Big Brother used to just Cross his fingers To avoid telling the truth Then uncrossed them into a V for Vacancy
She went to law school; I bet it all on brick ov– en pita and lost
At the very beginning of the Tora… Just after enabling the light God separated the waters of the de… And of the heavens (rendered into… With the land
Money is an illusion that fools al… We only have one currency to spend And it is time At the time of judgment day We will only be asked one question…
The difference between the walking… And the walking dead Is what they have in common– The walking wounded can laugh at t… And the walking dead can only laug…
It was easier to live the lie I w… Than to face the truth we all knew But eventually The truth blew up in my face And now it’s written all over my f…
It is said that The truth will set you free And while this may be true It goes without saying that Lies will give you power over othe…